Parish Resources

To learn more about the Parish Resource Ministries and Activities at St. Francis de Sales, click on the links below.

Building & Grounds

Those involved in the St. Francis de Sales Building and Grounds Ministry offer suggestions and observations to the pastor and monitor improvements inside and outside the Church, Ministry Center and Parish School. Thanks to participants in the Building and Grounds Ministry, the St. Francis de Sales parish can worship and learn in a healthy, safe and well-kept environment.

If you have questions or would like to offer your services to the Building and Grounds Ministry, please contact Hank Paulus at (847) 438-2294.


Finance Council

The St. Francis de Sales Parish Finance Council supports the pastor in his stewardship of parish resources while being accountable to the parish and the diocesan bishop. Assembled by the pastor, the Finance Council is composed of individuals with skills in finance, civil law, engineering and business. An active, responsible Finance Council is a crucial ministry to the financial health of any parish. Important updates regarding our Finance Council, as well as a list of our current members, can be found below.

Archdiocese of Chicago Finance Council Guidelines

Currently, members of the St. Francis de Sales Parish Finance Council include:

Doug Samz (Chairperson)
Larry Coffey
Jim Yerbic
Deacon John Sfire
Marty Bush
Deacon John Purtell
Father David F. Ryan, Pastor
Laura Angelini, Accountant