Spiritual Development

The St. Francis de Sales Spiritual Development ministries and activities further develop our Catholic faith and build upon our experiences as men and women in Christ. The Spiritual Development Commission oversees the ministries and activities listed on this page.

To learn more about the Spiritual Development Ministries and Activities at St. Francis de Sales, click on the links below.


Altar Servers

At St. Francis de Sales, Altar Servers are an integral part of our Liturgies. Duties include taking the time to serve at our Liturgies when requested and taking this ministry seriously. We thank you for your time and service  in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Altar Serving Ministry is open to all school and religious education students in grade 6 and beyond (including high school students who have previously served).

If you would like to become an Altar Server, please complete the Altar Server Commitment Form and return to the Ministry Center. If you have questions, please call the Parish Office at (847)438-6622.


Children's Catechumenate

For registration materials, schedules and handbooks, please visit our Schedules & Forms page.

Sometimes children who have missed the traditional age for receiving the Sacraments come to St. Francis de Sales. There are a variety of reasons for missing the Sacraments: life has been too hectic, parents have stopped attending Church for a while or have been attending in another denomination, or parents have been unable to find a church where religious education classes were held at a time that would mesh with the family schedule. Whatever the reason, we are always glad to welcome these children and their families at St. Francis de Sales parish.

The Children’s Catechumenate is a special group that meets every other Sunday morning, in conjunction with the 9:30 a.m. Mass. Children enrolled in the program learn the basics of our Catholic faith and prepare for the Sacraments. During the course of the year, they also celebrate a few special Rites, or religious ceremonies. There may be a few events occurring at times other than Sunday mornings, but families will be made aware of these dates ahead of time so that they may adjust their schedules accordingly. Children receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Lent. The Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist take place the week after Easter.

There is a small additional book fee for this program and children are required to register for and attend the regular weekly Religious Education classes.

If you have any questions or would like to sign up, please call Mimi McGlauchlin, Religious Education Director, at (847) 726-4850 or contact her via e-mail at mmcglauchlin@stfrancislz.org.



High school students are asked to serve St. Francis de Sales by joining the Crossbearing Ministry. Crossbearers carry the cross to the Sanctuary during the procession at the beginning of Mass and while the recessional is sung at the end of Mass. St. Francis de Sales asks that Crossbearers offer their services on weekends, Holy Days and holidays. For more information, please contact Mimi McGlauchlin at (847) 726-4850 or mmcglauchlin@stfrancislz.org.


Environment and Art

Please keep the Environment & Art Ministry in mind as your gardens bloom. We can always use some extra hands! No special expertise is required - only a desire to gather, arrange, work with fabric or even a willingness to water. If interested, please call Mary Ann Kwasek at (847) 438-5751.

Cut flowers and branches are welcome. Longer stems are great, but shorter stems can also be used in the baskets near the front of the altar.


Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held at St. Francis de Sales every Wednesday from 7-8pm. No registration necessary.

Adoration is also held every First Friday beginning at 9 a.m., immediately following the 8:30 a.m. Mass, and continues until 4 p.m. In the pandemic, this schedule has changed to be after daily Noon Mass and lasts an hour.

Of necessity, and out of reverence and respect for the Eucharist, Adoration hours take parish weddings and funerals into consideration. Eucharistic Adoration honors the special presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Vatican II declared "Christian life incomplete if not Eucharistic-centered." Pope John XXIII referred specifically to the benefits and blessings associated with the Eucharistic Adoration. He believed that the most fundamental reason why prayer before the Blessed Sacrament is of such merit and value is that it is prayer arising from the basic mystery of Christianity, faith in the Incarnation.

Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament is a profession of faith in the real bodily presence of Jesus. It is true that God is everywhere, as the Creator and Sustainer of all things, and that He is present by sanctifying grace in all souls. However, these are spiritual presences. The Eucharistic presence of Christ - body, blood, soul and divinity - is entirely unique and it alone is referred to as the real presence.

One of the best ways to look at prayer before the Blessed Sacrament is to see it as an extension of Holy Communion. As we pray before the Eucharist, our souls are fed and our minds and wills are strengthened and given light, that we may go about the tasks of our daily lives.

Please plan to come and spend some time in prayer with the Lord.


Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

To view the EME Handbook, please click here.

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are graced with the opportunity to share Christ’s Body and Blood with others. They recognize Christ in the faces of all who approach. They are privileged to proclaim each person as a member of the Mystical Body by saying the words, “The Body of Christ” and “The Blood of Christ.” Extraordinary Ministers profess the faith of the Church and ask for affirmation in the assembly’s “Amen.”

Who are we?

We are adults and teens over 16 years of age who have been baptized and confirmed and are practicing our faith.
We have prayerfully considered serving as a minister.
We have expressed our interest in becoming an Extraordinary Minister to a staff member.
We have completed training at the Vicariate and the local church level.
We have been properly commissioned to distribute Holy Communion.

If you are interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, please call the Ministry Center at (847) 438-6622.



The St. Francis de Sales Greeters help make the Mass experience pleasant from start to finish by serving as a welcoming presence and as gracious hosts to our parish family and visitors. Greeters are asked to open the doors for those attending Mass and distribute bulletins to parishioners as they leave. All parishioners are encouraged to sign up for this Ministry, regardless of age.

Families and adults who are interested should contact Sherry Otto at (847) 438-2782. Children who are interested in becoming greeters should contact Mimi McGlauchlin, Coordinator of Religious Education, at (847) 726-4850.



Adults, high school students and elementary school children (grades 6-8) are invited to bring God's word to the assembly in an understandable and alive manner by participating in the Lector Ministry. We are always looking for new proclaimers of God's Word to join. Recruitment and training are held yearly.

Please contact Jacqueline Kuhn at (847) 269-8342 or Cindy Blank at (847) 924-7876 to get involved in the Lector Ministry. Children who wish to be Lectors may contact Cindy Blank at (847) 924-7876.


Music Ministry

Everyone in the St. Francis de Sales community can have a voice in the Music Ministry. Whether you offer your talents or simply provide your ideas, we welcome your participation. We are blessed to have many talented, dedicated parishioners who work hard to make each Mass meaningful, and we hope that you will consider involving yourself in our ministry! There are opportunities for all ages and all levels of ability. For a complete list of our participation opportunities and contact information, please scroll down.

The  St. Francis de Sales Music Ministry also accommodates your Wedding Music needs.

Parishioners are encouraged to submit their favorite hymns, songs and ideas regarding new vocal or instrumental groups to Patricia Stewart, St. Francis de Sales Director of Music. Creative and constructive suggestions are always welcome.

For further information or to participate in the Music Ministry, please call Patricia at (847) 726-4720.

Adult Choirs

The Adult Choir sings at the 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. Rehearsals are weekly on Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Choir Room at the Ministry Center. No audition is required - all are welcome! Please contact Patricia Stewart at (847) 726-4720 or musicSFDS@stfrancislz.org.

Youth Ministry Band

The Youth Band leads worship at the 5 p.m. Sunday Teen Mass. All those who love to sing or play an instrument are welcome to join the band. Please contact Josh Goodman at jmgoodman.music@gmail.com for more information.

Youth Choir

The Youth Choir is open to all children in grades 3-8. Membership in the Youth Choir, like all things of value, is based on purpose. Through commitment to weekly early Thursday evening rehearsals from 4:45 to 5:45 p.m., linked with good attitude, your child will grow both spiritually and musically. (Thursday evening rehearsals do not conflict with any parish religious education classes.)

The Youth Choir sings monthly at the Saturday evening 5 p.m. Mass and for other special Liturgical celebrations throughout the year, including Christmas and Easter. Make the Youth Choir a part of your child's life! 

Handbell Choir

This dedicated group meets weekly to prepare music for seasonal and ordinary time liturgies. Membership is open to all who possess a basic ability to read music. Rehearsals take place on Thursday evenings from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Church. For more information, please contact Patricia Stewart at  (847) 726-4720.

Cantors at St. Francis de Sales are selected from the choirs in our community. They lead the assembly in worship every weekend and on special feast days throughout the liturgical year. Basic musicianship, spiritual sensitivity and an audition are required to serve as a cantor. For more information, please contact Patricia Stewart at (847) 726-4720.

Instrumental Ensembles

Volunteers of all ages and all talent levels are encouraged to participate in the St. Francis de Sales Instrumental Ensembles.  A flexible time commitment makes these groups ideal for busy parishioners.  Rehearsals and liturgies are scheduled according to participants' schedules. For more information, please contact Patricia Stewart at (847) 726-4720.

Additional Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are always needed to help with copying, distributing, organizing, filing and publishing reports.  There are always opportunities for people to help plan musical outreach within the Lake Zurich area.

For further information or to participate in the Music Ministry, please contact Patricia Stewart at (847) 726-4720.



Short for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, R.C.I.A. is a process of education that hopes to answer questions, teach basic doctrine and welcome people into an active role in the St. Francis de Sales parish. A team of dedicated parishioners journey with R.C.I.A. members as they explore the Catholic faith and are welcomed into the community.

If you are, or if you know, someone that would be interested in becoming Catholic and receiving the three Sacraments of Initiation, including Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation, please call the Parish Office at (847)438-6622. with your name and phone number. Your call will be returned for a conversation about becoming a Catholic through the RCIA Program. We look forward to hearing from you!

Periods of RCIA Faith Journey

The first period of the RCIA journey is the Period of Inquiry, then the Period of the Catechumenate, followed by the Period of Purification and Enlightenment and finally, the Period of Mystagogy. Each step is is celebrated with a specific Rite. After the Period of Inquiry, the Rite of Acceptance and Welcoming is celebrated on the second Sunday of Advent. Participants are given a Bible and a cross. The second period, the Period of the Catechumenate, culminates with the Rite of Enrollment and Election, which is celebrated during Lent. Participants sign the Book of the Elect and are greeted by Cardinal George or one of his Bishops at Holy Name Cathedral. The Period of Purification and Enlightenment is a time of reflection before the Elect celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil. Finally, these new Catholics enter the Period of Mystagogy, where they reflect on the Easter mysteries and discuss how to actively live their faith.


Rosary Ministry

If you would like to be more active in your faith and the St. Francis de Sales Church community, please consider joining the Rosary Ministry. With no meetings or monetary dues, the only service required of Rosary Ministry members is to pray parts of the Rosary along with the following request: "and, for the intentions listed in the St. Francis de Sales Petition Book." With members throughout the world, the Rosary Ministry is a great way for parishioners of all ages to remain active in the Church community.

If you have a loved one who is ill or are going through a difficult time yourself, please write your petition in the St. Francis de Sales Petition Book. It is located in the Gathering Space of the Church on the table near the Vesting Sacristy. Your prayers will be remembered by all members of the Rosary Ministry.

To join the Rosary Ministry or to gather more information, please contact Joe Armagno at (847) 550-6139.


Lexington Rosary Ministry

The Lexington Rosary Ministry calls for parishioners to pray the Rosary with residents at Lexington Health Care Center every Tuesday morning at 10:15 a.m. If a resident does not have or has lost his or her Rosary, the volunteers keep a few on hand. This way, anyone who wishes to join in prayer can do so.

For more information, please contact Dolores Miller at (847) 550-6029.


Silverado Rosary Ministry

The Silverado Rosary Ministry calls for parishioners to pray the Rosary with residents at Silverado Senior Living (Memory Care) every Thursday morning at 10 a.m. If a resident does not have or has lost his or her Rosary, the volunteers keep a few on hand. This way, anyone who wishes to join in prayer can do so.

For more information, please contact Kitty Dembski at (847) 540-5886.



Sacristans are responsible for caring for the sacred linens used during our Eucharistic celebrations. Duties for this Ministry can certainly be accomplished at home - no meetings required!

Laundering is on a rotating basis. Please call the Parish Office at (847)438-6622. for more information.



At St. Francis de Sales, male and female ushers are always needed. Ushers play an integral role in ensuring a respectful and reverent flow during Eucharistic Liturgies. They also serve as a welcoming presence to all who gather in the name of the Lord at the house of the Lord.

Students in grades 5-8 who are interested in ushering may pair up with our more experienced ushers. High school students and college-aged young adults are also encouraged to volunteer.

If interested in serving, please call the Parish Office at (847)438-6622.